Industry events, technology webinars, articles. Here you will find everything we do for the development of optical networks.

Układ sił na rynku optycznym. Kiedy otwarte sieci i 800G?
Marcin Bała w obszernej rozmowie z Łukaszem Decem z ujawnia kulisy dynamicznie rozwijającego się rynku technologii optycznych.

Building a Sustainable Digital Infrastructure: A Comprehensive Guide to Green Data Centres
Read our white paper on green data centres. Find out how you can significantly reduce energy consumption and environmental impact.

How to reduce e-waste in telecommunications?
May 17 was designated by the United Nations as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. This is a good time to reflect on how the telecommunications sector can have an impact on halting the growth of e-waste.

SRD 5 — new optical module programmer
Salumanus announces the launch of Smart Recode Device 5 GBC Photonics (SRD 5). It is an optical module programmer that allows you to save thousands of dollars on the management of optical networks.
Networking Trends 2024
Open networks, 800G or quantum encryption - what has the chance to change telecommunications and data center infrastructure in 2024? Check out the predictions of Salumanus experts.

How to ensure the security of transmission in urban fiber networks? Part 2.
From eavesdropping to encryption. Learn about fiber network monitoring methods and new encryption technologies.

How to ensure the security of transmission in urban fiber networks? Part 1.
Fiber network protection requires various redundancy mechanisms for stable data transmission.

The 5 best methods of data transmission
Are you looking for the best way to lease and transfer data for a public institution or your business? We have a complete guide for you.
Why use xWDM in public institutions?
Want to increase network bandwidth without investing in new infrastructure?

3 key applications of AI in telecommunications
AI is penetrating into every area of life. When used wisely, AI can bring incredible benefits to network operators and data centers.

How to build energy-efficient transmissions?
The telco industry is looking for energy savings. Manufacturers of optical modules respond with miniaturization of processors and the use of the “O” band

DWDM Optimization Made Easy Than Ever
No one has such a solution yet. Only at Salumanus we offer an optical module with which you can build an extremely efficient iPodWDM system.

How to choose the best types of connections within the data center?
In one DC room, we may need up to several thousand links! Learn how to choose the best hookups.

How will the new year change the telco and data center industry?
Savings, climate-neutral infrastructure and O-band. Salumanus experts share their knowledge and experience forecasting trends for 2023.

How do we introduce new network devices to the market?
The implementation of a new solution on the market is a multi-step process. What does it look like in practice? Says Marcin Bała CEO, Salumanus.

Migrating your network to 100G has never been easier!
GBC Photonics QSP28 100G optical module multiplies the bandwidth of one pair of multimode fibers by 10 times.

Presentations from the XV Days of Light
For all those who are thirsty for knowledge and curious about new solutions, we provide recordings and presentations of our experts.

How to reduce the cost of building a 5G network?
The telecommunications industry is once again reaching for the O-Band band, because it makes data transmission more efficient and economical.

How to increase the efficiency of data center connections?
DWDM systems enable flexible and cost-effective connection of two or more data centers.

How does the latest optical module management standard work?
Poznaj funkcjonalności systemu Common Management Interface Specification.

Single fiber power
Want to know what else you can transmit with just one fiber? Experience the power of one fiber!