Optical Module Programmer Housing Competition


In addition to attractive appearance and functionality, solutions that minimize the consumption of raw materials or reduce the amount of waste will be scored. Projects can be submitted until March 6, 2023. The winner will receive 5000 zł.

Functionality and security are the most important characteristics of network devices. Salumanus, manufacturer and provider of ICT solutions, However, it sets the bar a little higher. The new enclosure is not only intended to be useful, but also designed with the environment in mind.

The whole idea of the SRD programmer is based on the concern for the sustainability of the network. Our device allows multiple programming of universal optical modules. Hundreds of such modules are installed in server rooms, so their reuse significantly reduces the amount of electro-waste — translators Marcin Bała, CEO of Salumanus, owner of the Polish brand GBC Photonics.

To participate in the competition “For sustainable networks” Salumanus invites especially students and graduates of studies in the field of technical sciences and fine arts. The artistic patron of the competition and a member of the jury will Zbigniew Latała, PhD, professor of PK, Head of the Laboratory of Industrial Design Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology.

- Before the participants of the competition an interesting task: to create a useful, visually attractive and at the same time environmentally friendly product. As a teacher, I always enjoy the opportunity to involve students in real, business projects. I hope they surprise us — emphasizes Dr. Zbigniew Latała, professor of PK.

Projects should be submitted to March 6, 2023 (until 4 p.m.) to marketing@salumanus.com. From the works that meet the technical conditions, the jury will select the three best works. The authors of the final projects will receive a prize of PLN 2000.

In the second stage of the competition, visualizations of the final works will be made available on the website www.salumanus.com and submitted to the vote of Internet users. The winning project will receive an additional 3000 PLN.

The rules of the competition “For sustainable networks”, the detailed technical conditions of the project and the application card can be downloaded at: competitions.salumanus.com.

The idea of SRD GBC Photonics was created in the laboratory of the company Salumanus. The programmer had its premiere in 2019. Three years later, it was created the SRDGo app, which allows you to quickly check the technical details and compatibility of GBC Photonics inserts. This information is collected in the GBC Photonics cloud and updated on an ongoing basis. The latest version of the programmer: SRD 5.0, in addition to additional technical functionalities, will be presented in a new case.