We support the education of future engineering staff!


Salumanus and DCN Europa equipped a network equipment workshop in Cracow School of Communication Defenders of the Polish Post Office in Gdańsk. In February, the school received optical transmission devices worth 170 thousand zlotys. Thanks to the donation, technical school students will be able to learn how to build and configure networks and provide data transmission services in practice.

- Young people, in order to prepare well for the labor market, need contact with technologies currently used in business. Thanks to extensive support from outside, we can equip subject studios with the best, most technically advanced equipment, necessary for learning professional subjects — emphasized Paweł Kucharczyk, director of the Cracow School of Communications Team during the handover of the equipment.

For several years, Salumanus has consistently supported the educational process of future technicians and network engineers. In 2020, the manageable switches of the third layer went to the Prof. Janusz Groszkowski Complex of Electronic and General Education Schools in Przemyśl. In 2018, the company equipped a network laboratory at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Cracow University of Technology. Ten modern DCN L3 Enterprise class network switches with cabling were then delivered to the university.

- We regularly support education, because we want young, capable people to stay in Poland and develop our economy. We would like them to see the potential for development in the country already at this early stage — highlights Krzysztof Podgorski, founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Salumanus.

The Cracow company also runs an internship and internship program Salumanus Career Lab aimed at students of technicians and higher studies. Some of the participants find permanent employment in the company. More information about the program: Salumanus Career Lab.

Photos from the handover:

Paweł Kucharczyk, Director of the Cracow School of Communication and Krzysztof Podgorski, founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Salumanus, during the handover of the equipment.